Virgo is a practical earth sign, introverted like Taurus by its negative polarity, but enjoying the freedom and adaptability of its mutable nature. Virgo is addicted to practical, material objects but is not as possessive about them. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini, but in Virgo the communicative nature of Mercury is used on a practical level. Virgos are meticulous, analytical, critical, discriminating, modest and orderly. However, they can be worriers, overly fastidious, finicky, too critical and too conventional. The Virgoan intellect lacks breadth, but it is the most capable sign with the detailed assimilation of facts. Virgos analyze everything. This is valuable in dealing with the details of our modern bureaucratic and technological society. When focused too sharply, at themselves or at others, the Virgo's critical faculties can become more destructive than helpful. Virgo desperately needs to work, to feel useful and to be of service to others.

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